Québec Dimensions Summer Institute for K-12 Professionals
June 23-28, 2013 . Montreal & Québec City
Based in the North-American birthplace of New France and led by the Northeast National
Resource Center on Canada, the Institute will explore themes relevant to geography and history
Through briefings by experts and site visits we will investigate questions such as :
- Could NAFTA make Québec increasingly detached from Canada and closer to the US?
- What are possible impacts of globalization on the future of French in Canada and in Québec?
- What ambitions does the Parti Québécois have for the province?
Rolling applications are accepted through May 15th .
Registration is USD $649 and includes double-occupancy at four-star hotels, some meals,
transportation during the program, speaker and educational site fees, curriculum materials
and a certificate of clock hours. Graduate credit is available for an additional $205.
Learn about Québec in Québec! It is a province with three climate regions, one of the
largest rivers in the world: the St. Lawrence, and two of Canada's important cities:
Montreal - the 2nd largest French-speaking city in the world, and Québec City - a UNESCO
world heritage site.
Itinerary and Registration: www.umaine.edu/teachingcanada
Northeast National Resource Center on Canada: Professional Development • Teacher Resources
Betsy Arntzen, (207) 581-4225, barntzen@umit.maine.edu . Amy Sotherden, (518) 564-2385,sotheral@plattsburgh.edu