05 August 2015


NIVEAU JUNIOR HIGH  - La Colina JHS - Santa Barbara
- 3 cours (60% time)
- Contact:  Belinda White   <Bwhite@sbsdk12.org>
                  Tel: 805- 886 1429

NIVEAU UNIVERSITAIRE - Chapman University - Orange
- MA or higher in French required.  Adjunct faculty can teach up to 2 classes per semester.
- Fall 2015 (1st day of instruction Monday, Aug. 31; last day of classes Friday, Dec. 11; final exam week Dec. 14-Dec. 18)
                    FR 101-05 MWF 8-8:50AM
                    FR 101-01 MWF 9-9:50AM
                    FR 101-02 MWF 10-10:50AM
                    FR 201-01 MWF  9-9:50AM
                    FR 201-05 MWF 11-11:50AM
                    FR 201-06 MWF 12-12:50PM
- Send email with CV
- Contact: Dr. John F. Boitano, Chair   <jboitano@chapman.edu>
                 Dept. of World Langs. & Cultures, Chapman U.

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