10 February 2017

BOURSES pr formation - Université de Laval

L’ Association internationales des Études québécoises  is now offering...

What: 2 internships ($ 2,500CD each) in teaching of French as a foreign or second language (FLE or FLS) for 39 hours training course in French didactics, 6 hours of lectures and participation in cultural visits.
Where: Université Laval Language School
When: July 10 to 21, 2017
To be considered, you have to be teaching French full-time (or wanting to be qualified to do so) or be monitoring French teachers.
Application due: Feb. 27, 2017

Plus d'info.: http://aieq.qc.ca/bourse-aieq-ecole-de-langue-ulaval
Contact:  Aurélie Brown Aurelie.brown@mri.gouv.qc.ca

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