25 October 2015

The New Grand Concours for 2016! Very important for all French teachers.

Important information about the Grand Concours 2016!

Le Grand Concours will be offering an on-line version of the Concours in 2016. The on-line version may be done on any device with internet connection: computer, tablet or even smart phone! For at least one year, we will also have paper and pencil testing available, but the cost will be slightly higher and ordering the paper and pencil version must be done by mid-December. Full ordering information will be sent as soon as it is available. Your Chapter Contest Administrator is still available for questions and concerns. Venez nombreux!   If you plan to participate in the 2016 Concours with paper and pencil testing, you MUST renew your membership by December 1, 2015 in order to receive the member discount.  

Deadline for ordering paper and pencil tests: December 15, 2015 -- after this date, no additional registration for paper and pencil tests can be offered.

Deadline for ordering on-line tests: January 15, 2015 -- after this date, registration will be available, but a late fee will apply.

AATF So Cal chapter members will administer the exam during a specific set of dates, which will be forthcoming very soon.  If you are not already in the system with a school/teacher code, you will need to get in touch with me ASAP (socal.grandconcours@gmail.com) to get on that list – that is how you will receive all information.  There will still be a Remise des Prix in May for all National Winners.

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